Dear Nicole **********,

We are happy to inform you that over the next two weeks we will upgrade PHP to the latest 4.x version (4.4.9) on the web server your website is currently being hosted on. This upgrade will resolve many security exploits and make services more stable.

As part of this upgrade, we will migrate from an Apache Module to a CGI based installation that gives you more control over many PHP settings. Once implemented, you will have the ability to upload your very own php.ini file into your cgi-bin folder as needed.

After the upgrade, your website may experience a few errors, all of which can be quickly resolved. Most are caused by having PHP directives inside an .htaccess file.

To fix this problem, simply login to your control panel and click on the WebShell icon. The .htaccess file will not be viewable unless you have “show hidden files” checked in your WebShell settings. Open the .htaccess file and remove any lines that start with “php_”. If you need to retain these settings, then they must now go into a php.ini file and placed into your cgi-bin folder.

If you are running PHP in any of your HTM/HTML files, please add this line to your .htaccess file:
AddHandler php-script .php .php3 .php4 .htm .html .phtml

If you have any questions or concerns about this upgrade, please do not hesitate to contact us 24/7 via live chat, ticket, or phone support and we will be glad to assist.

I hope you will enjoy the new features and increased security!

Best Regards,

Fatima Said, CCO
IX Web Hosting

  1. Mike says:

    It would be nice if this solves the problem but I’m skeptical. I moved all my php sites off IX due to this problem. My straight HTML site also became infected on every single page, but after reloading the site and removing all php from the FTP I have not had a re-infection. My HTML site is still on IX since they gave me six months of free service for the trouble.

    It’s a shame because IX offers 8 unique IP’s for a good price. I just have ZERO confidence in their ability to detect and fix security issues now.

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